fig. 1 Performance ERDHAUT,  picture by Joëlle Allet

On the way through the Twingischlucht, a canyon in the Alps, Céline Tschachtli and Rebekka Friedli are creating a performative dialogue with the object ERDHAUT (Earth Skin). The object is an imprint of the surface of the valley, made from paper, textile and paste.

The video gives an insight into the performative work, where dance, movement and sculpture are being connected.
Together with the object Erdhaut and the performance, the video belongs to the piece that is shown at the TWINGI LAND ART 2020 - a group exhibition in Binntal, Switzerland.


textil, paper, paste
2.4 x 30m

09. August 2020 Twingischlucht 
duration 15‘

Full HD 16:9 colour 

A project by Céline Tschachtli and Rebekka Friedli

fig. 2 Installation ERDHAUT

fig. 3 - 4 working process ERDHAUT
Rebekka Friedli 2025 🦕️